
Continued Education

Core Diver Classes

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

Experience new adventures with a PADI instructor by your side. Designed for novice divers who want to improve their dive skills. It’s called “PADI Advanced Open Water Diver,” because it advances your diving knowledge & skills…

PADI Rescue Diver

Improve your confidence and become a better dive buddy through fun role-playing and skill practice. ...will you be ready?

Emergency First Response

Get the skills and knowledge that could save the life of someone you care about.

PADI Master SCUBA Diver

Fewer than two percent of divers ever become Master Scuba Divers. The Master Scuba Diver rating denotes significant experience and expertise, some call it “the black belt of diving." We don't call it that, though.

PADI ReActivate SCUBA Refresher Program

ReActivate is the engaging, efficient way to refresh your dive knowledge and scuba skills. Move quickly through topics you know well, dive deeper on topics where your knowledge may have lapsed.